Roll Up the Rim to Win!
As much as I enjoy a large Triple Triple or a medium Double Double – I enjoy it so much more when I get a change to sip my coffee and believe I hold a winning vehicle cup. But, the extent of my winning is a few coffees, the odd muffin and a handful of doughnuts. Now as much as I love anything free, why can’t I be the one to win a new Plasma Screen TV (I have a perfect spot for it already picked out), or the $1000 cash – who couldn’t use a free grand?
So to everyone who enjoys a Tim Hortons coffee as much as I do; enjoy the game and I hope you win something – but leave the car for me…..
A few interesting Tim Horton’s facts:
As of January 2007 there were 2710 outlets in Canada, 336 in the United States and 1 in Kandahar Afghanistan.
The 300th Tim Hortons outlet opened in Calgary in February 1987.
Roll up the Rim to Win runs March to May every year. Each year there are over 20 million prizes ranging from a donut to a vehicle.
There are 63 varieties of donuts – each store carries a minimum of 21. Top sellers: Apple Fritter, Boston Cream, Chocolate Dip and Sour Cream.
Tim Horton’s real name was Miles Gilbert Horton. He was killed in a car accident in 1974 – at this time there were only 40 Tim Hortons locations.
When the first Tim Hortons location opened in 1964 in Hamilton Ontario, a coffee and a donut cost $0.10.
By the way: the cup in the picture did not win - but Adam's did - a free donut - yeah!
Hey Jenny, It's Kelly! I've come across your blog from Starr's so I've book marked it and will check back often. Love your recipes, great idea! All the best for the last few weeks of your pregnancy!
I think that's one of the things I miss most since moving to the US. Starbuck's is great and I support it 100%:), but Timmy's will always be my favorite place to get a cup of coffee.
Ahhh, the double-double. Just makes me happy thinking about it.
Have fun at your last day of work!!
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