Friday, September 14, 2007

6 Months

That's right - six whole months have passed since this little lady so dramatically changed our lives.

Weight: 15 pounds 13 ounces

Length: 26 inches

Teeth: we have 2 teeth - the 2 front bottom ones.


Sleeping - Jackie is a wonderful sleeper, she has been sleeping through the night since 3 months, and naps 3 times a day.

Talking - although there are no actual words, she is very vocal - while in her Exersaucer - she will 'yell' at Brutis and try and get his attention.

Tracking - she is an amazing tracker, my favourite is when I am holding her and she strains her neck over my shoulder to watch at Adam.

Laughing - she has a wonderful giggle and an even better laugh.

Rolling Over - well, she did it once - and that must have been enough - she hasn't done it since and really does not seem interested in doing it again.

Standing - this seems to be her favourite thing to do now - we help out with the balancing part.

1 comment:

kimberley said...

i love it!! she is just too cute!!