Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Welll our little princess has started walking! She started last week and is walking more and more every day. No picture yet - but I am sure we will capture one soon.


Karalee said...

Hooray for Jackie! It's such a fun stage. Iloved it when Dawson started walking because then he could move around in public with out getting all dirty crawling on the floor! Have fun!

kimberley said...

yay jackie!!! what fun!:)

i haven't had a chance to look at the website yet, but did the teacher give any tips on what to do if there are other children in the house with the raymond method? i've found when i've gone into livie's room, it only makes her more upset, so letting her cry it out on her own may be better (though, it will suck to listen to!) i just need to figure out how to make it less distressing for lyla...

thanks so much for the tip - i'm definitely going to be looking into it!