"Your life is about to change so much."
"You will understand when you are a parent."
etc, etc.
I know that everyone who does not have children passes some (maybe a lot) of judgement on those friends with kids.
I know we have at least once said - "Well we will do it differently." or "I will never let me kids do that...."
But what I think no one can prepare yourself for is just how hard it is to follow through on everything - also, I have learned to pick my battles. Does it really matter if Jackie wears the same sleeper to bed every single night, or should we instead fight the brushing the teeth battle.
If you spend a lot of time with Adam and I, you will know that Jackie is a Daddy's girl, and Anderson is quickly becoming a Mamma's boy (he really does not have a choice - Jackie is so attached to Adam there is really no room right now - and poor me - I need someone too...)
But in this we have discovered one thing....
If you look closely at the picture below - you will see wrapped right around that little pinky finger is Adam - you have to look close - he is wrapped so tight it is hard to see.
And if you look closely at this picture of Anderson's hand you will be able to see me - not quite as tightly wrapped yet - but I am sure I will be in a short time.
But really, how could you not be?
I love his little hand - the knuckle dimples and all.
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