From the first day home from the hospital we put Jackie to sleep in her crib, she has done extremely well in it (for that we are so thankful), but as they start to grow that question about when to move them arises. I decided we would wait until she started to climb out, or at least tried to. Well, we have been patiently waiting and nothing, she has been very happy in her crib, but at 3 I think it is time to move her.
We already had a twin bed planned for her, it was now a matter of doing the transfer – I was not sure how she would handle it – she does not like change at all. So I got myself armed with Dora sheets and a Dora comforter.
But things went so well, the Dora gear is still hiding in the van, now I think I might return it.
Jackie loves her new bed. First nap – she went right down quite excited to be sleeping there. We will see what is to come – I know it will not all be perfect.
This is a picture of her sleeping her first nap in the bed – the rails are there because the bed is very high.
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