Thursday, January 13, 2011

An Award

Alison, over at Life and Times of Alison and Justin, awarded me the "Stylish Blogger Award".
Thank you Alison!  Go check her out, she has a great blog.

The Rules are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award to recently discovered bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about this award.
Thank you Alison, I thouroughly enjoy your blog.
Many of my readers do not know who Alison and Justin are:
Justin is my brother Blake's best friend and Alison is his wife.
7 things about me:
1. My nickname growing up (used only by my Dad) was Weed. (This name is no longer used by anyone – so don’t even try).

2. The ONLY person allowed to call me Jen is my mother. Not even Adam is allowed.

3. My name is actually Jenny, not Jennifer, and I HATE it when people try and call me Jennifer to be more formal even though I have introduced myself as Jenny. (This happens at work more than you would think.)

4. My earliest memories start at age 4. (Scary that Jackie is about to be 4 and that means lasting memories.)

5. As much as I love to cook, there are still things that scare me, like making pie pastry, I have no idea why, but I do plan on conquering this fear this year.

6. If we did not have kids to feed and set an example for, I would still have popcorn for dinner at least once a week.

7. I would rather eat a salty snack than chocolate any day.

Now the rules say to award recently discovered bloggers, I am just going to award a few blogs I love.
1. Dee Ann at Once Upon a Time
2. Starr at Starlite Studio
3. Sarah at Stuff and Things


J and A said...

Yeah! Thanks for playing! :) I love popcorn for dinner!

Starr Mercer said...

Thanks Jenny for the shout out!