Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Camping Season Starts

We were all very excited for camping season to start again.
It is always hard to say good bye to the trailer in the fall and I think we go through some campfire withdrawal for a few months, but here we are, back again!

Jacqueline could not wait to get back out to the trailer, so in spite of the snow storm we drove through to get there, we arrived ready for a good family weekend.

This season we moved Jackie up to the top bunk and put Anderson in the bottom bunk (yeah - no more playpens!!).  I am happy to report, both kids did super great - they slept well and did not stay up chatting for hours - maybe it was because they were exhausted each night?

And what would camping be without a campfire and marshmallows?
I forgot the marshmallows, so after a quick run to the store we were in business.

I apologise for the lack of pictures, but we were busy, more to come next time, I promise.

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