Monday, February 26, 2007


Finally my Tupperware has arrived. Part of the host special in January was a deal on a huge pantry set - unfortunately it was back ordered for quite some time, but it arrived this weekend. So Sunday evening while the Oscars were on TV, I started working on my pantry.
I am not quite done, I still have stuff all over the counter, but I got quite a bit organized. Amazing - I realized there were things in my pantry that had made 2 moves with us (raisins - Adam hates them and I rarely make anything with them only for me). So it was a good chance to dump a few things.


After - Adam said it looks like a "Sleeping With the Enemy" pantry.


Anonymous said...

It's sooo not a 'sleeping with the enemy' pantry - it's organized!!! So pretty. I'm loving mine too - it's easy to find everything - aah!

Starr Mercer said...

You're not going to belive this...I just took the exact same before photo of our pantry and am planning on organizing it tomorrow! After that I'll be posting too. Your pantry looks GREAT! Can't wait for mine to look that way too.