Sunday, August 19, 2007

Family Summer Vacation

Hello everyone, we are back from our week long vacation to Christina Lake, BC.

We left last Friday right after Adam got home from work, made a stop off to see his sister Kristi (spent the night) and then early Saturday morning drove the rest of the way to Christina Lake. We were camping with the Craigs and the Mercers; all staying at Camp Beverly Hills where Tara knew the new owners.

We had a great time and enjoyed the campground; it was much smaller than we were used to 5 cabins and approx 10 RV sites, but it was nice to be able to get to know a few of our neighbours.

Christina Lake is a very small town right on the lake (they claim it is the warmest tree-lined lake in Canada) – whatever that means – if you ask me anything not glacier fed is warm and when you have temperatures reaching to well over 30 – any lake feel great. (Thankfully we missed the few weeks in July where it was +40!)

We also got a chance to do some day trips. Last summer holidays we were in the Salmon Arm area (lots of wineries) but we were not allowed to go to any since I was not allowed to drink (pregnant); seeing the wine but not being allowed to taste – torture!!
So this year we drove to Osoyoos and visited 2 different wineries.

Jackie – she did great. Since we did not know how well she or we would handle a 7 ½ - 8 hour drive – we decided to break the trip up both ways (this also gave us an opportunity to visit Kristi, Adam’s sister); but she handled the trip quite well, lots of sleeping, but when she is not tired she told us stories and played with her toys.

After we got back from our first trip to Osoyoos (on Monday) I noticed she had cut her second tooth – wow, I had no idea we were that close. We also had the first roll over – she woke up from her fist nap one morning and when I went to get her she was on her tummy – so she rolled over from her back to tummy – so far no signs of it happening again or going from front to back.

Enjoy the photos.


Brutis got a special treat - a bit of time our of his kennel.

Jackie and Aunt Kristi

Near Fernie

A road side turn out feeding

Brutis driving... actually this was while we were stopped at the road side turn out - he was checking out the train going by and making sure it knew he was there and he was the boss.

Hanging out in the trailer

Playing cards - we had great weather - this was at approx 11pm - notice the shorts and t-shirts.

Adam and Starr

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