Friday, November 12, 2010


As you might know or gathered by reading this blog, I like to read.

I can remember exactly when I started my love affair with books.
The summer before Grade 6.
I discovered the Sweet Valley Twins and High books.

Although I do tend to read much deeper books today, I still remember them fondly and so appreciate the love of books they created.

Lasts year I read 41 books. My goal this year was to read 52, but I am not sure I am going to make it.
I am not keeping a list on my blog of all the book I have read this year.  2010 Reading List - can be found via this link - also at the top right hand side of this page.
Right now I am reading #45 - Room by Emma Donaghue - this is an OMG book. (Review will come early next week since I will finish this one tonight.
I am not sure where I got the idea, but I decided to keep a list of all the book I have read - I keep it by year, I number them and date them according to the month I finish it.

I also keep a list of books I want to read - this is super handy for when someone says - oh you have to read this book - and then 2 months later you have no idea what book that was.
I reserve books at the library according to that list. Sometimes it is long, sometimes it is really long.
Right now I have about 40 books on that list - I will not read them all - some books come off that list because they no longer interest me or I get some trusted feedback and it really does not interest me anymore.

I often hear from people who know me - "how do you find the time to read that much?" (remember I have 2 small children and I work full time).

I read when I can - I don't watch much TV anymore.
When the kids are watching some TV show, and it is before bed, I will often be found holding Anderson - while he watched TV and I am reading.

Reading is my hobby, I love to do it - and I love a good book suggestion - just no sci-fi - and no fantasy!

This is one of my favourite things - coffee and a book - it is even better early in the morning, if I wake up before anyone else in the house, and can sit and read for a little while, alone!

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