Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gourmet Crackers and Blue Cheese

As some of you know Jacqueline is a pretty picky eater. The one thing she likes is Sweet Potatoes and we struggle at almost everything else.

Well this afternoon, I was enjoying a bit of Gorgonzola on some gourmet crackers, I happened to be holding Jackie and as she was eyeing what I was eating, I thought, hmmm, should I let her taste it, I know blue cheese is an acquired taste. The thought passed through my head, that if I let her have some, she might not trust me and try other things we really do want her to eat. But I pushed that thought out of my head and let her have some.

Well I did not get the reaction I thought I would, instead I continued feeding her and marvelled.... we might have a gourmet food eater on our hands, what's next Caviar and White Truffles???

This is the reaction we got at dinner a few hours later as we tried to feed her Vegetables and Turkey.... gasp... how could we be that cruel..... but clue cheese who my sister detests and some say smells like dirty socks....


Anonymous said...

That is fantastic! Straight to the good stuff ( I totally don't blame her)!!!

kimberley said...

that's impressive!