Wednesday, June 20, 2007


To whoever is doing the rain dance every time we go camping…. Please stop!

Last year we camped at least 10 times, not once did it rain – so far we have camped 3 times this year – and it has rained all 3 times and snowed once! We love to camp, but camping with a small baby in the rain presents a few more challenges and also confines us to the trailer a lot more than we want.

This past weekend we took Jackie to the lake (Glennifer) but due to the massive amounts of rain – it rained almost the whole time, we did not get a chance to show her very much. We are very much hoping for better weather the next time we head out.

Mom and Jackie - hanging out inside while it rains.

Brutis spend quite a bit of time being wet this weekend, but this picture was taken when we wanted him to stay dry, he is on the top of the couch watching all his doggie friends play outside while we make him stay in - we are such mean parents.

1 comment:

kimberley said...

i think it's me - i'm just so terrified of a hot summer...but i'll try to stop the dancing and hopefully you'll have some sunny weekends coming up:)

i've loved the birth announcement by the way - so beautiful!