Sunday, May 11, 2008

Camping Season is Back!

Camping season is back.... finally! Adam and I have anxiously been awaiting the return of camping season, and finally we got a chance to take advantage of it. We headed out to the lake the first weekend of May and had a great time. The drive there was a bit tough - we picked Jackie up from dayhome as we were driving out of town, but I am sure she will get used to it as we do it more.

We spend the weekend working on the bunk house, we threw out everything that had been left in it (from the previous owners), bought some carpet and now we are going to paint the inside and eventually buy a futon. We need a play room for Jackie when it is cold or raining (our trailer is currently too small) and it will also come in hand as a guest house.

We are headed back for the long weekend and can't wait!

1 comment:

Karalee said...

Wow is she ever growing up! That's a great picture of the 2 of you!