Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Chapter

Today I write this post with a heavy heart. I have caved. I have fallen. I have been trapped into the abyss, the minivan world has finally gotten a hold of me and will not let go….

I swore I would never enter this world! I swore I would always be an SUV driving Mom instead of a Minivan driving Mom. Not that I hold it against any of you out there that have a minivan – but I did not want one. I loved my SUV, I still love my SUV, but life changes…

Adam and I have made the decision to purchase a minivan – for a few reasons.
We were leasing the Blazer, and our initially plan had been to buy it out and then get Adam a pick-up truck; but with the price of gas the way it is – a truck is just not the best option for us.
That means that our biggest vehicle would be the Blazer, and with Peanut on his way, we are realizing we are going to need more cargo space for hauling 2 kids (in their massive car seats), a small wiener dog (but in a decent sized kennel), and all the amazing amounts of stuff a parent needs to haul in order to function with children outside of their house (this in itself is truly amazing and worth a whole post on it’s own).

Anyway – we are entering the world of minivans. After much debate, dealership visits and hours spent on the internet, we have decided to purchase a new 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan. They have re-designed it and added tons of new safety features. I have to admit, I am now looking forward to the new vehicle and the new chapter in our life it is leading us into.
I will post a picture once we get it – should be in a few days.


Jocelyn said...

Have you considered getting one with a DVD system? We got our Uplander with a factory installed one and it has been great for long trips as it keeps Megan entertained even without sound. When she does get sound, we just use a set of computer speakers that plugs into the headset jack so we don't have to listen to the movie if we don't want.

kimberley said...

we felt the same way about minivans until today when we installed livie's forward facing car seat. today has been the first time ever that a minivan was even remotely appealing.

i feel old.