Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Garage Sale Find

When we are at home on the weekends we are usually not out of the house early enough to get the good stuff at garage sales - but this Saturday we were - and look at what we found.

Jackie LOVES it! She loves to drive it around the back yard, steering is a bit hard - but she has figured out reverse already.
The best part about this find - only $10! I know - I can't believe it either - I would have paid at least double for it.


Karalee said...

wow $10 bucks that is amazing. Dave's parents neighbors have a powerwheels jeep and Dawson loves it. I always say I hope I find one at a garage sale someday!

Nice find!!

kimberley said...

that's awesome, jenny!! and i love that she's figured out reverse - can't wait to hear the stories when she's 16:).

Jocelyn said...

What a great find! I hope she enjoys it. A great price too!