Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I honestly do have an excuse for being a bad blogger – I am busy, and tired all the time. Here is my life:
- Wake up to my beautiful alarm clock calling us (Jackie) 6am
- Get ready for work 6-7am
- Leave for work – 7am
- Work 7:30am - 4pm
- pick up Jackie from Day home 4:30pm
- come home and get dinner ready / play with Jackie
- eat dinner 5:00 / 5:15pm
- play with Jackie, get her ready for bed 5:30-7pm
- put Jackie to bed 7pm
- crash on the couch 7pm
- think about blogging 7-9pm
-realize the computer and the couch are not anywhere near each other – therefore no blogging 7-9pm
- go to bed 9pm

Yup – that is my day, somewhere in there I am suppose to fit in some house cleaning – not sure where as you might surmise by the state of our house right now.
Also grocery shopping is in there too – again, not always sure where.

So, for all you faithful readers – or should I say, everyone that comes and checks for updates and receives none- I feel justified in not posting as often as I want to. That and it feels like so little happens…..

But life does happen so here is a short update:

Our yard:
After living her for 2 years, we finally have grass in the back yard. Brutis is extremely happy, he finally gets to run around, pee anywhere his little doggie heart contents.
Jackie is also very happy – this means she gets to spend a lot more time outside, walking around, exploring every corner of the yard.
We are super happy – thanks to our good friends Al and Sarah who came and helped us lay it, it looks fantastic.
The deck – Adam is almost done building the railing to the deck – much safer for Jackie and less heart attacks for Mom and Dad.

She is wonderful. We are enjoying her so much – she is a very busy little lady. Day home is going very well, she has some great friends there and since she is the youngest she is learning so much from all the older children.
She is a great little walker now – and has been known to chase Brutis around a bit (we look forward to when she can run confidently and they can chase each other – tiring each other out…)
Talking – she can say Mama, Dada and Anna (day home lady), everything else she says (and she talks a lot!) is in her own language.
Somewhere she learned to respond to questions, so when we ask her a question, she will either nod or shake her head – right now we are on shaking only, but of course this has provided some entertainment for Adam and I as we ask silly questions and get a funny response.
We recently asked her if she wanted a baby brother – shake the head – no; do you want a baby sister – shake the head no….

Adam is doing well, but he has been working hard recently, getting the yard and deck done, but work is going well. We have been enjoying our place out at the lake, but again – we are working, we have fixed up the bunk house to be a playroom for Jackie and a guest house, and now we are looking at improving the yard / lot itself – right now it is all gravel or shrubs, we are looking at how we can change that, etc.

I am doing well. I really hate being pregnant in the first trimester (so much nausea) and then along come trimester 2 and 3 – and I love it. I enjoy the attention and anticipation. I have stated to be able to feel the baby (who we are referring to as Peanut) kicking – and that is my absolute favorite part of being pregnant. I feel good, other than being tired in the evenings, I am doing well.
Work for me is great – I really enjoy what I do – love the people I get to work with and I am kept pretty busy, I will definitely miss it come November.

1 comment:

kimberley said...

what a fun post! i was tired just reading it:).

been thinking about you a lot and was so happy to see an undate...now for a belly shot. but i'm sure the camera isn't anywhere near the couch or the computer either!:)

keep resting as much as you can!!