Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog Watch

I thought I would start sharing with you some of the blogs I follow regularly.

I am a pretty avid blog reader but I tend to stick to a few different genres.

FRIENDS, I do a daily check on all my friends and some associates blogs, keep up to date with their daily lives, kids, etc. (Please see the list on the right hand side of this page.)

FOOD, I will read anyones blog if it is good, but I really like local ones, they also tend to include a few restaurant reviews which I like.

BOOKS, I love to read and love to hear what other people are saying about different / new books. Give me some good ideas for upcoming reads.

PARENTING, who can't always use more advice, tips, tricks when dealing with 2 small children.

RANDOM, there are a few blogs out there that don't fall into any of the above categories, but I still find them interesting.

This is the first blog I want to share with you, some of you might have even heard about it or are following it yourselves.

Fed Up With School Lunch

This is a woman / teacher / Mom, living in the States who decided to eat the cafeteria lunch at her school every day for a year.

She is blogging anonymously for fear of losing her job.

She started in January 2010 (so she is almost done) in March she received a phone call from Jamie Oliver himself.

She has been interviewed for radio, print, Internet and television.

She has tons of guest bloggers who talk about the nutrition breakdown in the States.

Now I find it fascinating - and so completely scary. By the way - this is an elementary school she is working at.

I know things are different in Canada - but not sure just how different?
First - I don't think there are very many elementary schools that have cafeterias? Am I wrong?
Mine didn't.
Do junior highs? What about high schools - I assume most of the city high schools have a cafeteria.

But here is one thing I noticed recently; I had to go and pick up pizza for a staff lunch (I know - Pizza is not good, but I believe most things in moderation are okay), and it was lunch time for a charter school - I think it was both junior high and high school - you should have seen the kids buying pizza, starbucks and a myriad of other junk foods.

Are we any better here?

Reading this blog - I am actually reading the whole thing - started at the beginning and working my way through, is opening my eyes to help educate my children better as they grow up to learn how to make the right choices.

It will make me think twice about putting "fruit" snacks in their lunch every day instead of just occasionally.

Anyway - take a minute to look. She is a fascinating woman trying to get her small voice out there and start making some changes.

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