Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Reading Review

At the beginning of 2010 I set a goal to read 52 books this year.  I wanted to average a book a week.

I quickly got myself ahead of the game and was about 1 or 2 books ahead all year long.
Then September and October came along.  I am not sure if it was because we were busy, or the book I was reading did not grab me. (I actually did something I hardly ever do and did not finish one book.)

I just did not read much, so I had resigned myself to the fact that I would not reach my goal.

Well, November - watch out!
I read more books in November than I have ever read in one month, 8 to be exact!
Yes, most of them were barely 300 pages, but not only did it put me right back on track, it set me up for beating my goal.

2010 - 57 books read!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, that is 22,618 pages!

Here are a few of my favourites over this year:



Most of these books I have reviewed, a few I read before I started doing blog post reviews, but trust me, they are all good.

If you would like to see the review, click on the "2010 Reading List" on the right hand side of the blog.

Goals for next year: 
I am going to slow down a bit.  2011 is not about reaching a specific number of books read, but more about enjoying every book I do read.
There are a few books on my list to read this year (okay there are tons of books on my list to read, but these are reading with purpose books).
I would like to re-read and read a few classics:
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird (read in grade 10 English - I think I would appreciate it more)
  • A Tale of Two Cities (read in grade 11 English - it has been on my list long before Oprah just announced it in her book club - now I will have a much harder time finding a nice used copy).
  • Pride and Prejudice (never read, but feel like I should)
  • Do you have any "classics" suggestions for me - what book is on your "everyone must read this before they die list - please only fiction suggestions - I am not a non-fiction reader if you had not noticed.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed withering heights, which I read in high school.

Jenny Hill said...

Ohh - good one Sarah - I was trying yesterday to figure out what book I read in grade 12 English - and it must have been Withering Heights - I did read that in high school too.