Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Brutis!

I know we are pathetic, but he is a huge part of our family.

Today Brutis turns 5, that is 35 in doggie years - middle age.

Here is a little bit about our wonderful dog, Brutis.

  • He is a daddy's boy!
  • If I get up before Adam, I let Brutis out of his kennel and he runs upstairs to join Adam in bed - and they snuggle and sleep together both loving it.
  • At meal time, he sits under Anderson's chair, waiting for anything to fall, and will eat anything - except peas - will not touch them.
  • Jackie still only tolerates him, Anderson, LOVES him - hugs all the time.
  • He loves a good game of chase the Brutis, or hide and go seek with Daddy.
  • Give him a toy with a squeaker, and it becomes his mission in life to get that squeaker out.
  • He is insufferable to me the second Adam leaves the house - this means usually Brutis is on a leash just so I can catch him, this also means the kids like to walk (drag) him around the house and then loop the leash onto a door knob and leave him tied up until I come to the rescue.
He has been a wonderful addition to our family, and we remind him often that although he has gotten bumped down the totem pole a few times, he was our first baby, and we picked him, the kids we just got stuck with, LOL.

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