Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve in our house this year was a lot of fun.
We started the afternoon out with making some cookies for Santa.

At dinner Jackie was asking when we can hang the stockings.
We told her when you are in your pajamas, well 5:30 - both kids are in their pajamas.

So, stockings are hung with care...

Jackie thought Santa would like chocolate milk.
So, chocolate milk and cookies for Santa.
A carrot for Comet (she has been watching a lot of Santa Clause 2 where Comet plays a bigger role than Rudolf).

What a goof-ball!  Can you tell she was super excited.

Thankfully she went to sleep quickly and Santa was able to put us onto the early shift.

The stockings had to be laid out in front of the tree for fear of them being too heavy for my stocking hangers and falling.

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