Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Stroller

This weekend we made another big purchase essential to having a baby. The car seat and stroller. We purchased The Graco Quattro Tour; this comes with the stroller, car seat and base unit for the car seat to clip into.

When we brought it home we decided to set it up right away, for a few reasons. First, we plan on getting the car seat into the Blazer pretty soon – since this is the only way we will get the baby home from the hospital and the last thing I want is the baby to come early and have Adam out in the hospital parking lot trying to figure out how the car seat works. Second, we wanted Brutis to get used to it. He tends to bark at new pieces of furniture when they are first brought in (especially ones that move), so we figured this would be a nice time to get him used to all the baby equipment before the baby arrives.

The Stroller with the Car Seat

Brutis seems to be okay with the stroller, we have taken him on a few rides around the house.

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