Tuesday, November 16, 2010

All About Us

I saw this over at Alison's blog and thought I would join  in the fun and sharing.

All about Adam and I!

1. What are your middle names? Desmond & Marguerite

2. How long have you been together? married 5 years, together 7 1/2 years
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? a few months
4. Who asked who out? Adam asked me out
5. How old are each of you? Adam - 37; me - 31
6. Did you go to the same school? No, never - however we have worked at 2 different jobs together.
7. Are you from the same home town? No - Adam is from Toronto, moved here after University; I am from the Prairies.
8. Who is the smartest? Me - hands down!
9. Who majored in what? Adam - hmm - not sure what exactly - nothing he is using now.  I did not do any post-secondary.
10. Who is the most sensitive? Me.
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Mexico.
12. Who has the worst temper? hmm - we both have a bit of a temper - but he tends to lose his faster with the kids.
13. How many children do you want? 2 - we are done!
14. Who is more social? We are both pretty social - but I would say he is more than me.
15. Who is the neat freak? Neither one of us - but I tend to be neater than him.
16. Who is the most stubborn? Both - it just depends on what it is.
17. Who wakes up earlier? Me - well, he might be awake before me, but I will get out of bed before him usually - unless it is my morning to sleep in and he takes care of the kids.
18. Where was your first date? We had a small date - drinks at Melrose - but I would say our first big date was dinner at Murrietta's
19. Who has the bigger family? We both do - I have more sibblings and we all live close, he has a bigger extended family, but they all live far away.
20. Do you get flowers often? No!  Adam has a terrible time remembering that even the grocery store sells flowers!
21. How do you spend the holidays? Holidays - Christmas - with family usually. 
22. Who is more jealous? Neither of us.
23. How long did it take to get serious? Do you want that in hours or minutes?  Once we started dating it was serious from minute one!
24. Who eats more? Adam
25. What do you do for a living? Adam is in sales; I am an executive assistant.
26. Who does the laundry? Both of us.
27. Who's better with the computer? Me.
28. Who drives when you are together? Adam 75% of the time, me 25%.
29. What is your song? We don't really have a song.


J and A said...

Love that you did this! :)

Anonymous said...

I was shocked to hear that Adam eats more!!!