Friday, November 5, 2010

T-shirts in November?

One thing I love about living in Calgary is the weather.

I know we all like to complain about it, but recently I decided - there is nothing I can do about the weather, no amount of complaining is going to make it better, so I might as well accept it and enjoy it.

It has been so much nicer once I made that decision.

It did not matter that it was freezing at the beginning of September, and I don't care about how much rain we get. I actually enjoyed all the rain in September.

In the big picture too - is a bit of snow or a few cold days really that bad? We are not dealing with tornadoes, hurricanes, or extreme heat, so hot that you can't be outside and people are dying from dehydration.

Overall - we have it pretty good.

And this fall had been amazing! We have had wonderful warm days, the kids are loving the extra time at the parks this is allowing for, and yesterday, as I left work - this was the temperature!

24 above! Love it!
Now we get to look forward to our first big snow fall - that means snowmen, snow angles, sledding - and all kinds of fun for the kids (and parents!).

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